Summary: [11/in vivo/Control/Guinea Pig/Brainstem/Principal Cell]

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Subject 🐁

group: Chopper cells
species: guinea pig
strain: pigmented
gender: Male/Female
development stage: adult
age: between (2) and (6) Month
weight: between 350 and 600 grams

Anatomy 🧠

brain region: brainstem
sub-brain region: cochlear nucleus
sub-sub-brain region: Not inserted!
cell type: principal cell
sub-cell type: chopping response
sub-sub cell type:
Not inserted!

Experiment and Reconstruction 🌡

experimental protocol: in vivo
experimental condition: Control
stain: biocytin
slice thickness: 50
slicing direction: coronal
tissue shrinkage: Reported (? XY:? Z:40%)
shrinkage corrected: Corrected (? XY:? Z:?)
reconstruction software: Neurolucida
objective type: dry
objective magnification: 20, 40

Data ⛁

number of data files: 11
numerical units: micrometer
pixel size (if pixel): Not inserted or not Pixel!
format of data files: Neurolucida.nrx

Neuron Description ⚛

Available features in the reconstruction data!
soma: Available
axon: Available - Incomplete
dendrites: Available - Complete
Neurites: Not Available
Processes: Not Available

Morphological Attributes ⚖

dimension: 3D
angles: Yes
diameter: No

Contributor Information ☏

archive name: juxtacellular_ventral_cochlear_nucleus
acknowledgements: Palmer_A Lab / MRC Institute of Hearing Research / Medical Research Council Nottingham, England, UK
notes: Only the .nrx files had the z-axis correction applied. The .dat files did not have a correction factor applied and it should have been X2.5

Entries* indicate items which are not available in the dataset and are added manually.

Entries indicate items which are left blank.

This group belongs to the dataset: juxtacellular_ventral_cochlear_nucleus