Archive: Thomas et al., 2022 Science Advances Ongoing... Public!

PMID/DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg9445
Author(s): Yvette Zarb
Email address:

Grant information: This work was funded by the German Research Foundation to M.G. and K.-K.C. (SFB 870 “Neural Circuits”) and to S.M.H. (SPP2127 HA6014-5/1), as well as Transregio 274, the EU via the NSC-Reconstruct consortium, the EraNet project Micronet, the advanced ERC grants (ChroNeuroRepair and NeuroCentro), and the Fondation Roger de Spoelberch and ERANET (Microcircuit project) to M.G., Y.Z. has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101024862.

added by Nmo-Author 2 years, 3 months ago!

Neural reconstruction file is not uploaded yet! Please carefully read the instructions below before uploading.

- Please make sure to upload a single Zip file containing All your reconstruction files!

- If you have distinct experimental conditions (e.g. anatomical location, control vs. treatment/lesion, animal sex/age etc.) please separate each group of cells in a distinct folder and zip all the nested folders toghether.

- The groupings are supposed to follow a flat 1-level hierarchy. For example, if you have Male & Female, Hc & Cx, and young & adult, this should be organized into 8 distinct folders zipped together in a single upload. Please note the example below for your clarification.

- Please login for additional information.

Sample '' (please choose a short name without special characters for your folders)
        |___ Male_Hc_young (folder containing swc/hoc/am/... files)
        |___ Male_Hc_adult (folder containing swc/hoc/am/... files)
        |___ Male_Cx_young (folder containing swc/hoc/am/... files)
        |___ Male_Cx_adult (folder containing swc/hoc/am/... files)
        |___ Female_Hc_young (folder containing swc/hoc/am/... files)
        |___ Female_Hc_adult (folder containing swc/hoc/am/... files)
        |___ Female_Cx_young (folder containing swc/hoc/am/... files)
        |___ Female_Cx_adult (folder containing swc/hoc/am/... files)

Neuron Groups: (0total, please login if you have a user account!)

Recently edited: Empty

No Neuron is available in this dataset yet!

Control Checks:

  • Reconstruction file is not uploaded!
Recent Actions:

Giorgio Upload Reconstruction file uploaded externally Oct/06
Nmo-Author Upload Reconstruction file uploaded externally Oct/06
Nmo-Author Edit Dataset specifications edited Oct/06
Nmo-Author Upload Reconstruction file uploaded externally Oct/06
Nmo-Author Creation Dataset created Oct/06


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